All businesses in Central Saanich must obtain a Business Licence and prominently display it in their place of business. This applies to all retail, commercial and industrial establishments, professional firms and home businesses.
The Business Licence renewal notices are mailed out approximately one month prior to the expiration date of a Business Licence. There is no charge for annual renewal fees, however, you must fill out this form in order to complete your renewal:
Business Licence Renewal Form
If you are unable to complete the online renewal form, please call 250.544.4206 for assistance or visit the Municipal Hall, 1903 Mt Newton Cross Road, Saanichton.
Submit a completed application form to the Municipal Hall or fill out an online application.
Staff will complete the review process; including zoning analysis, building file review and possible site inspection.
An invoice will be mailed out, which can be paid through your online banking, by mail or in person.
Once paid, the business licence will be mailed out.
Annual renewals are mailed out late November/early December. There is no charge for annual renewals, however you must submit your renewal application on this form.
Where a licence for a business is not renewed within 60 days after its expiry date, the holder of the licence shall pay a late renewal fee.
Please note that a business licence will not be issued for a property where bylaw infractions exist, including an unauthorized secondary suite.
Set up and pay at
Online banking can be set up by adding "Central Saanich" as a Payee. The exact format may differ at each financial institution.
Use our 24-hour secure drop box at the main entrance to the Municipal Hall.
Mail a cheque to: District of Central Saanich, 1903 Mt. Newton X Rd, Saanichton, BC V8M 2A9
In person, we accept cash, cheque, debit card or credit card at Central Saanich Municipal Hall, located at 1903 Mt. Newton Cross Road, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.
Once payment has been received a licence will be mailed to you.
For billing enquiries, please contact our Finance Department at 250-544-4206.
If you have changed ownership we require that you complete an online Business Licence application form and indicate which type of change you are making at the top of the form or print and submit your application form:
- By email:
- In person or mail: Central Saanich Municipal Hall, 1903 Mt Newton Cross Road, Saanichton, BC V8M 2A9
If your business has closed operations or relocated out of Central Saanich, please contact our Finance Department at 250-544-4206 to cancel.
General FAQ's
- Annual licences are issued for a calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31)
- If your licence is issued after July 31, the invoice will be a half-year rate only
- Each location or premise where business takes place requires a separate licence
- The fee is not refundable if you close your business
- Your licence is not transferrable between municipalities (except for an Intermunicipal licence)
No licence can be granted where the premise is in contravention of any bylaw regarding business, building, zoning or land use
Home-Based Business - A business carried on as a home occupation (in the main dwelling or an accessory building) is permitted to a maximum area of 25% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit. If located in an accessory building, the entire accessory building must be less than 90 m² in floor area. The Land Use Bylaw has additional requirements related to Home-Based businesses in Section 33.
Inter-Municipal - A business licence to carry on business within the boundaries of any participating municipality, and issued pursuant to the Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement. All Commercial businesses that are physically located in Central Saanich that also carry on business in other municipalities (such as installers) require both commercial and intermunicipal licence designation.
Inter-Community - A business licence to carry on business within the boundaries of any participating municipality, and issued pursuant to the Intercommunity Business Licence Agreement (ICBL). All Commercial businesses that are physically located in Central Saanich that also carry on business in other municipalities (such as installers) require both commercial and intercommunity licence designation. There are at least 12 municipalities on Vancouver Island that are part of this agreement.
Commercial - Any business other than a Home-Based Business, a Farm-Based Business or a Business for which an Intermunicipal Licence or a Daily Licence is required. All Commercial businesses that are physically located in Central Saanich that also carry on business in other municipalities (such as installers) require both commercial and intermunicipal licence designation. *Please note that any commercial business applications will also require a floor plan showing the layout of the space in relation to the rest of the building.
Farm-Based Business - A farm-related business operating on land within the Agricultural Land Reserve or land classified as farm under the Assessment Act within the following categories:
- Retail: sell (goods) directly to the public,
Exemptions - a Business Licence is not required for the following farm-based businesses:
- Wholesale: the selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others,
- Farm Stand: means a structure under 10m2 for engaging in the sale of agricultural products produced or grown on site. The structure may be temporary or permanent but is to be seasonal in duration, open for the duration of the harvest season, located at the property from which the agricultural products are grown and not involve further advertising or distribution of products.
Daily - A one-day business licence required for craft fairs, exhibitions or other itinerant shows or entertainment.
Non-Resident - A business (other than a Resident Business) carried on within the Municipality or with respect to which any work or service is performed within the Municipality. For clarity, the office of the business will not be located within the Municipality.
Business Type | New Application Fee | Late Renewal Fee |
Home Based | $ 50 | $25 |
Intermunicipal | $100 | $50 |
Inter-Community | $170 | $85 |
Small Commercial * | $100 | $50 |
Large Commercial ** | $200 | $100 |
Farm Based | $25 | $10 |
Daily | $ 35 | |
Non-Resident | $100 | $50 |
* Small Commercial is defined as 464.5 m² (5,000 ft²) or less of gross floor area of buildings used for business. If the commercial business works in other districts, an intermunicipal licence is also required.
** Large Commercial is defined as more than 464.5 m² (5,000 ft²) gross floor area of buildings used for business. If commercial business works in other districts, a intermunicipal licence is also required.
For a full listing of fees and charges, please refer to the Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 2023
All businesses operating, working, providing or selling a product or service in the District of Central Saanich shall be in possession of a valid business licence unless specifically exempted in Section 5 of the Business Licence Bylaw.
Business licences are required for the following reasons:
to review businesses for compliance with land use, building and fire regulations;
to allow for the Fire Department to schedule regular inspections of life safety systems, including alarms, emergency lighting, sprinklers, exit paths and other fire safety issues;
to gather land use information whereby commercial and industrial policies are based; and
to facilitate planning decisions.
A Business Licence application form must be submitted for :
- a new business,
- a change of ownership,
- a change of name, and
- a change or additional location.
Along with the business licence, you may also need permits for new or replacement signage, any construction or building alterations, plumbing changes, or approvals from external agencies such as the Liquor Control and Licencing Branch (LCLB) or the Capital Regional District (CRD). The Provincial Liquor Control and Licencing Branch (LCLB) regulates restaurants, bars, pubs, liquor retailers, manufacturers and special events. The CRD reviews waste discharge and backflow prevention device testing.
Yes, certain types of businesses are permitted to operate from your home, with some restrictions, pursuant to the District's Land Use Bylaw 1309 (Section 33).
A home occupation may be located within the main dwelling or an accessory building, with an area of not more than 25% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit. If located in an accessory building, the building must be less than 90 m2 in floor area.
An Inter-Municipal or an Inter-Community Business Licence allows mobile businesses (e.g. contractors and caterers) to operate across participating jurisdictions.
Vancouver Island Inter-Community Business Licence – $170 and valid in participating municipalities on Vancouver Island including Central Saanich, North Saanich, Sidney, Victoria, Esquimalt, Duncan, Ladysmith, Lake Cowichan, North Cowichan, Nanaimo, Parksville and more.
Greater Victoria Inter-Municipal Business Licence – $100 and valid in all 13 Greater Victoria Municipalities