Accessory Cottages & Carriage Houses

With recent zoning changes adopted as a result of Provincial Bill 44, many residential properties are allowed to apply to construct either a 1-storey cottage or a 2-storey carriage house (Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit) under the regulations of Zoning Bylaw No. 2180 and the guidelines for Intensive Residential Development in Official Community Plan 1600.  

What can they be used for?

  • Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted for family members, caregivers, caretakers, employees, or long-term rental housing purposes.
  • They are not to be used as a Bed and Breakfast or for short-term vacation rentals. 
  • Accessory Dwelling Unit may not be stratified, subdivided, or otherwise legally separated from the principal dwelling.

Accessory Dwelling Units general regulations:

  • Residential zones permit a maximum of two residential buildings, and in the residential neighbourhood zone it is determined by lot size. 
  • Accessory Dwelling Units are not allowed on a panhandle lot within the Urban Settlement Area.
  • One additional off-street parking spot is required and is to be energized for a future E.V. charging station.
  • Detached Accessory Dwelling Units cannot have a basement area.
  • Secondary service connections from municipal systems are not permitted. Upgrades to the existing services may be required due to the increased demand, including to private septic systems or potable water supply. Confirmation of adequate services will be required as part of the Building Permit application.

Prior to issuance of a building permit:

  1. An Intensive Residential Infill Development Permit is required through the Planning Department (see OCP Guidelines 11.10.7)
  2. Covenant is required to be registered on the Land Title that would:
  • confirm the dwelling is for rental housing purposes (does not allow short term vacation rental or Bed & Breakfast),
  • that no other Accessory Dwelling Unit is permitted on the property,
  • that the Detached Accessory Dwelling unit cannot be subdivided or separated from the principal dwelling in any way, and
  • allows for occupancy by property owners, family members, caregivers, caretakers, or employees

For sample layouts see Official Community Plan 1600 Section 11.10.7

If you are interested in building an Accessory Dwelling Unit email with the property address and any existing information you have regarding lot size, lot coverage, and protected trees.