Strategic Plan & Master Plans

Planning for the future is a focus for the District. Central Saanich's Integrated Planning & Reporting framework (Winner of 2024 UBCM Presidents Committee Choice Award) ties together various planning processes and strategies so District plans are talking to each other through an ongoing planning cycle. From the Official Community Plan and long-term financial plans right down to individual projects, Integrated Planning and Reporting has enabled the District to align the different departments towards a common goal and measurable metrics. 

Read about current plans:

Guiding DocumentsThe Official Community Plan is the overarching vision and guiding document for the future of Central Saanich. The District's Asset Management Plan is a long-term financial plan that forecasts the annual funding to be required into the future for maintaining and replacing District assets/infrastructure, such as roads and buildings.

Council’s Strategic Plan is a short-term document that identifies the current priorities of Council and provides the organization’s leadership with the direction to ensure Council priority outcomes are achieved within their term. The Strategic Plan is developed at the start of Council's term and is informed by the Official Community Plan, Community Satisfaction Survey, community feedback, Council and staff.

View video highlights.

Resourcing Plans

The Strategic Plan informs the 2024-2027 Implementation Plan, which lists the new projects the District has identified to achieve the goals of Council.  

The annual Financial Plan is a five-year balanced budget to guide our strategic investments and service plans while keeping property tax, utility fees, and user fees affordable over the long term.

Master Plans
SurveysCommunity Satisfaction Surveys