Central Saanich developing an Age-Friendly Community Plan

With more than twenty-five percent of its population considered seniors, the District of Central Saanich is developing an Age-Friendly Community Plan.

The Plan will provide Council and staff with an understanding of where the municipality can support seniors through buildings and infrastructure, services and health care, policies, and communications practices.

Engagement and input from residents, community organizations, health partners, and our municipal neighbours, a review of community data and background information and existing District strategies, and research on best practices and successful initiatives other similar communities are undertaking will be used to inform the development of an Age-Friendly Plan for the community.

The development of the Plan is funded by a grant provided by Plan H. It is anticipated the draft plan will be present to Council this fall.

How You Can Get Involved 
Residents, community organizations, and other key stakeholders will have several opportunities to get share ideas on how Central Saanich can become a more age-friendly community. 

1) Join us for a virtual coffee chat

2) Community Survey

Share your perspectives by completing a survey before May 14, 2023.

3) Conversation Guide

Want to host a conversation with your family, friends, or members of your organization? Download a Conversation Guidebook (coming April 11).

4) Chat with us

  • When: April 19, 2023, from 10-11:30 am
  • Where: Drop by the Central Saanich Library Lobby to say hi to the team, provide input and learn more.


What is an age-friendly community?

Age-friendly communities support older people to age with dignity, respect, and independence, and promote the inclusion of older adults in all areas of community life. Importantly, age-friendly communities are designed to address the needs of all residents.

What areas will you be looking at?

The World Health Organization identified eight key areas of community life in which communities can become more age-friendly:

  • Outdoor spaces and buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social participation
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Civic participation and employment
  • Communication and information
  • Community support and health services

The age-friendly planning process will explore issues, opportunities, and priorities across these 8 areas, to develop a framework to guide the development of the Age-Friendly Plan and implementation of the recommended actions.