We created this page to help you find answers to pressing community questions, learn about ongoing projects, and stay informed on key issues such as road safety, tax changes, and housing.
How is the District addressing road safety?
Road safety is a priority for the District and Central Saanich Police Service. We take a holistic approach of: Engineering, Education/ Engagement , Enforcement and Evaluation. The work includes studying problem areas, traffic calming, improving sight lines, reducing speed limits, police enforcement, providing improved active transportation facilities, providing education, and enhancing crosswalks and signage.
How many communities are facing steep tax increases, what does the next few years look like for Central Saanich?
The community is facing modest tax increases, with an average property tax increase of $172/year (or $14/month) in 2024 and a similar projection for 2025. This reflects an increase in inflation and the need to support infrastructure improvements and new projects to ensure our community stays vibrant. Council recognizes the impact of taxes on residents as we work hard to be cost-effective in our delivery of services. This includes seeking grants ($20 Million in the last three years), prioritizing needs, coordinating similar projects in their timing for cost efficiencies and more.
What is the most pressing issue facing our community?
The issue identified by residents in the community’s 2023 Satisfaction Survey was affordable housing. As a rural community, we have to determine how to provide the range of housing people are looking for in a way that respects our community.
How is the District addressing the need for more senior's housing?
To address the need for more seniors' housing, the District is focusing on infill and densification within the Urban Containment Boundary, allowing for more housing options. Developers are incentivized to include seniors’, adaptable and accessible housing with density bonuses.
How is Central Saanich balancing population growth with maintaining our rural character?
We aim to balance population growth and maintain our community’s rural character by focusing development within village nodes and ensuring walkable communities near transit. We are also supporting a number of local organizations that help foster community spirit through local events and services.
Why are new municipal facilities needed?
The Municipal Yard, the Police Service, Fire Station 2 and the Municipal Hall are increasingly becoming unfunctional and they all require significant upgrades to address health and safety issues, including becoming post-disaster ready and accessible. At this point, renovations no longer make financial sense, and given the need to create more amenities and housing, the District is exploring how to best replace the facilities in a financially responsible way. The District is working hard to find ways to finance the project so as to keep the impact to residents minimal, even though this is a significant amount of work. At the end of the day, I believe this work will ultimately benefit residents and businesses for decades to come.