Bylaws & Land Use Regulations

  • The Official Community Plan (OCP) contains long-term objectives and policies that guide decision-making regarding land use, development, services, amenities and infrastructure. The OCP also establishes development permit areas and heritage conservation areas.
  • The Zoning Bylaw establishes different zones for agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial areas. A zoning bylaw is a tool that defines how land may be used or developed. Regulations in a zone limit the uses, density, size, height and location of buildings on a property. 
  • The Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw sets out the requirements for works and services required to support subdivision or development of land. Developers install required improvements at their expense. Improvements can include: new or upgraded service connections, sidewalks, streetlights, roads, crosswalks, or increasing capacity of Central Saanich's water, sewer or storm infrastructure.  
  • The Sign Bylaw establishes the rules for the placement of signs on a property or building and regulates the size, shape, height and location of signs.
  • The Building and Plumbing Bylaw applies to the construction and occupancy of new buildings and to the alteration, demolition and occupancy of existing buildings. Building and Plumbing permits ensure that buildings are safe, liveable, accessible and sustainable.
  • The Development Cost Charges Bylaw enables the District to collect fees from developers to help offset the costs associated with new development. The charges help finance: roads, drainage, sewer and water projects and parkland acquisition. 
  • The Tree Management Bylaw regulates the cutting of trees in Central Saanich and establishes requirements for tree replacement.
  • Other commonly requested District bylaws are located in the Resource Library.
  • For details on how the District supports bylaw compliance, refer to our Bylaw Enforcement page.