Heavy Rain and Flooding

Being prepared for a possible flood emergency is important. Taking steps now to prepare for a possible flood means your home or business will be better equipped against possible damage.

Safety Tips During Heavy Rainfall
At Home:

  • Ensure storm drains near your house are clear and free of debris.
  • Clear eave troughs and ensure they are pointed down and away from your home and foundation.
  • Make sure that you and your family are as prepared as possible in the event a flood occurs.
  • If you're in a low-lying area which is prone to flooding, consider having sandbags and other tools on hand. Think about clearing basements, garages, and crawlspaces in preparation for possible flooding.  Store valuables and important items or documents in water-tight containers or in higher places, like on a tall shelf or upper floor.
  • Sandbags and sand are available during the stormy seasons at the Municipal Yard, 1512 Keating Cross Rd.  
    Learn how to build a sandbag dyke to protect your home.  See page 15 of the PrepareBC Household Flood Preparedness Guide
  • In the winter, clear snow at least 3-5 feet away from your home's foundation

When Driving:

  • Please drive carefully and never attempt to drive through floodwater. Drive BC is a good source of information for road statuses.
  • The depth of water is not always obvious. The road bed may be washed out under the water and sink holes could exist but be unseen.

Parks and trails

  • Residents are advised to be vigilant around trees as heavy rain followed by the wind can bring trees down. 

  • During high winds, please use extra caution when in forested and treed areas, as there is an increased risk of falling branches and debris. Stay alert to your surroundings and avoid these areas until the winds subside.

Residents can report clogged storm drains or other non-emergency issues to the Municipal Yard at 250-544-4224.

Stay Informed
Follow these social media accounts as they will be used to inform citizens.

Central Saanich Fire Department - Facebook
Central Saanich Fire Department - Instagram

Sign up for the Saanich Peninsula Alert system