Civic Redevelopment - Update February 3, 2025

With key initial project milestones achieved, such as the acquisition of Hovey Road Lot A and hiring an architectural firm, the District is moving on to creating concepts and detailed financial plans for the community to weigh in on this spring. 

Happening Now 

Share your input on 1903 Mount Newton ‘Design Principles’
Council wants to hear from residents on the direction for the future of 1903 Mt Newton Cross Road, the largest site in Saanichton Village. This site can help shape our community for decades, and it’s important we have a shared vision. 
Take a quick survey to share your input! 

Architectural firm designing concepts for public input
HCMA, an architecture and design firm, has been hired to design concepts that will include municipal offices, fire and police facilities, as well as community/recreation space. Notable projects include Victoria Fire Station No. 1, Saanich Fire Station No. 2, təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre in New Westminster, and Whistler Public Library. 

Happening Soon 

Come chat with Council to share your ideas
Join us Saturday, February 22, at 2:00 pm for Coffee with Council in Room A, Cultural Centre 1209 Clarke Road.

Concepts to be developed for public input in April 2025 
HCMA, the architects on the project, will provide completed drawings and ‘Class D’ cost estimates for three options:
1.    Civic facility at Hovey Rd
2.    Civic facility at Hovey Rd, including recreation facilities
3.    Civic facility at 1903 Mount Newton

Comprehensive external report on state of the facility
The District has more than 20 studies and reports spanning two decades on 1903 Mt Newton. An updated report with detail on the condition of the hall, police station and fire station 2, including required renovations to meet seismic, post-disaster, accessibility, fire suppression, building code, and energy standards.

Please stay engaged on this exciting project! Community input will help Council determine the best way to redevelop these facilities with minimal impact on taxpayers.

Learn more about the project and to sign up for updates, visit